Manual Ventilation
- Airway Management / Ventilation / Manual Ventilation1st Response™ Adult Manual ResuscitatorsThe 1st Response adult manual resuscitators are single-use, disposable emergency manual ventilators. It is a pulmonary-assist device intended to provide respiratory support to patients suffering from respiratory distress.
- Airway Management / Ventilation / Manual Ventilation1st Response™ Infant Manual ResuscitatorsThe Portex™ 1st Response pediatric and infant manual resuscitators are disposable, single-use emergency manual ventilators.
Features include low dead-space patient valve assembly (7 mL), a pressure-limiting valve (PLV), and manometer port with... - Airway Management / Ventilation / Manual Ventilation1st Response™ Pediatric Manual ResuscitatorsThe Portex™ 1st Response pediatric and infant manual resuscitators are disposable, single-use emergency manual ventilators.
Features include low dead space patient valve assembly (7 mL), a pressure-limiting valve (PLV), and manometer port with...
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