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Infusion Therapy
42 found
- Infusion Therapy / Infusion Pumps and Software / CADD Pain and Ambulatory Pumps / CADD Infusion DisposablesCADD™ High-Volume Administration Sets with Flow Stop Free-Flow Protection
- Infusion Therapy / Infusion Pumps and Software / CADD Pain and Ambulatory Pumps / CADD Infusion DisposablesCADD™ Medication Cassette Reservoirs with Flow Stop Free-Flow Protection
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsHypodermic Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Safety DeviceAvailable for a wide range of clinical applications involving hypodermic needles.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsHypodermic Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Safety Device Fixed Needle TB SyringeHelps provide injection safety and is available with 26G, and 27G needles fixed to 1 mL TB syringes.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsInsulin Syringe with Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Safety Hypodermic NeedleHelps provide insulin syringe safety and is available with 26G and 27G, needles attached to 1.0 mL U-100 luer slip insulin syringes.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingLineDraw™ Arterial Blood Sampling KitsLineDraw Plus aspirating syringes with a variety of dry lithium heparin concentrations, designed for blood sampling directly from an arterial line
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Blood DrawMulti-Sampling Blood Collection NeedlesMulti-Sampling Blood Collection Needles are available in a wide range of sizes and can be used with Venipuncture Needle-Pro™ Safety Devices.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Blood Drawneoheel™ Safety LancetsThe neoheel Safety Lancets help collect quality blood samples from infants for metabolic screening, glucose, and other tests.
The needle retraction feature helps clinicians avoid needlestick injuries and cross-contamination exposure while the... - Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Peripheral IV Catheters / Safety PIVCProtectIV™ Safety IV CathetersThe ProtectIV and ProtectIV Plus Safety IV Catheters are designed to protect the healthcare worker from risk of accidental needlestick injuries. ProtectIV Safety IV Catheters have been a trusted choice of healthcare professionals for several decades.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingPulsator™ Plus Arterial Blood Sampling Kits – Dry Lithium HeparinPulsator 3 mL Arterial Blood Sampling Syringes utilize dry lithium heparin with a concentration of approximately 23.5 IU per mL.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Blood DrawSaf-T Holder™ DevicesSaf-T Holder Devices are available with a permanently attached back-end needle and luer lock designed to minimize exposure and help prevent holder reuse.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Blood DrawSaf-T Wing™ Blood Collection and Infusion SetDesigned for end-to-end protection, the Saf-T Wing Blood Collection and Infusion Set helps enhance safety for venous blood draws.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Blood DrawSafe-T-Lance™ Plus Safety LancetsSafe-T-Lance Plus Safety Lancets provide retractable safety technology for capillary blood sampling.Safe-T-Lance is a trademark of "HTL-Strefa” Spolka Akcyjna.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsTB Syringes with Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Hypodermic NeedlesAvailable for medication delivery via syringe injection or TB testing, immunizations, allergy testing, delivery of pain medications, and local anesthetics.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Blood DrawVenipuncture Needle-Pro™ Safety DeviceThe Venipuncture Needle-Pro Device is designed to protect clinicians from exposure to contaminated blood collection needles.
The holder-based safety device helps provide protection on both ends by preventing needle removal and holder reuse. - Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Sharps Safety AccessoriesPoint-Lok™ Needle Protection DeviceDesigned to provide needle stick protection utilizing a simple one-handed technique
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingAnaerobic Line Draw - Liquid Sodium HeparinAnaerobic LineDraw aspirating syringes, with liquid sodium heparin, designed for blood sampling directly from an arterial line
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsBlunt Fill NeedleHelp reduce the risk of needlestick injuries to healthcare workers when drawing up and preparing medication by removing the need for sharps.
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